QZSS's Disaster and Crises Management Report signal reception with Spresense, a Sony's board microcomputer

category: gnss
tags: dcr qzss spresense

The positioning satellite QZSS broadcasts Disaster and Crises Management Report signal that broadcasts emergency information in the event of a disaster. This signal is sent as one of the Submeter Level Augmentation Service signal (L1S signal) in an emergency.

From new firmware v1.4.1 released on October 4, 2019, getDCReport (), which is an API for acquiring QZSS disaster information sentence, has been added.

Following the Spresense tutorial for the Arduino IDE, I confirmed that the first letter QZQSM of the disaster crisis report signal message was received. The decode software implemented for Spresense was used to confirm the disaster crisis report described in the specifications.

QZSS DC Report signal reception

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