Research presentation at IEICE Society Conference in Sendai

category: conference
tags: dcr qzss

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) holds two major academic conferences: the Society Conference in September and the General Conference in March. I attended the Society Conference this September.

Officially, this year’s society conference will be held online only. However, with the cooperation of Tohoku University, the local sponsor, presentations and attendance at the three technical committees on Smart Radio, Integrated Circuit, and Microwave can be made online or at the TOHKnet hall Sendai (Sendai City Hall).

2022 IEICE society conference

At Sendai Airport, which hadn’t been in a while, the FA-200 Aero Subaru plane welcomed us, just like before.

Sendai Airport

There is a real cockpit at the airport museum “Tobucha” in Sendai Airport. I used to be able to sit in the cockpit and operate the control stick and throttle, but now I can’t sit in the cockpit. It was disappointing that the instruments were also damaged.

Airport museum at Sendai Airport

You can comfortably travel by train from Sendai Airport to Sendai Station.

TOHKnet Hall Sendai is a beautiful building, and the view from the lobby rest area on the first floor was nice and comfortable.

TOHKnet Hall Sendai

At TOHKnet Hall Sendai, many conferences were held besides the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.

TOHKnet Hall Sendai

There was a lot of lively discussion at the conference. At the technical committee on smart radio that I mainly participated in, about 80-percent of the presentations were made locally. I arrived at the venue early, but there were already many participants, and the seats were almost filled around the start time.

2022 IEICE Society Conference

The presenters were told to prepare the connection environment to Zoom by themselves, but the organizer prepared a Wi-Fi connection on the day. A total of 90 people attended the three workshops.

A well-preserved steam locomotive was exhibited at C60 Square next to TOHKnet Hall Sendai.

C601 stream train

I also enjoyed beautiful Sendai foods.

Sendai Seafood

Many societies are moving to an online format. This time, I was able to participate in the field, and I was able to talk directly with various people, which was fun. The professors at Tohoku University who were the local organizer seemed to have a hard time. I am very grateful to have been able to participate in the event.