Research presentation at technical committee on Communication Systems in Yakushima

category: conference
tags: dcr qzss

Every year in July, the technical committee on Communication Systems holds an attractive research meeting called the Remote Island Series.

This time, I participated in the research meeting held in Yakushima on July 14th and 15th, 2022. From Hiroshima we took the Shinkansen to Kagoshima Chuo, then took the tram and walked to Kagoshima Wharf, where we boarded a high-speed boat. It seems that there are Toppy and Rocket, but this time it was Rocket 3. It seems that it was sailing while floating at 80 kilometers per hour.

High-speed boat Rocket No. 3 to Yakushima

A short walk from Miyanoura Port on Yakushima Island was the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center, where the research meeting was held. In this paid exhibition hall, the nature and culture of Yakushima are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner.

akushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center

A study group was held in the lecture room in this exchange hall. This is a guide for the meeting.

akushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center

There was also an exhibition of sea turtles in the exchange hall.

IEICE technical committee on Communication Systems

Mr. Hashimoto, a student, presented his research on the 14th, and I on the 15th.

IEICE technical committee on Communication Systems

Yakushima’s specialties are probably flying fish, shochu, and wild boar meat. During my lunch break, I ate flying fish ramen at a nearby tourist center.

Yakushima specialty flying fish ramen

When I was taking a walk nearby, I found an old NTT (Nippon Telephone and Telegram Coorporation) station building. I thought it is not used anymore. But in fact, there is a new station building right behind this. There is Kamiyakushima Town Museum of History and Folklore near here, but it was a pity that it was closed for a while.

NTT station building in Yakushima

I want to take a leisurely stroll around Yakushima in next time.